• Every course taught from a Biblical Worldview by strong Christian educators
    • Daily Bible courses
    • Weekly chapel service
    • Scripture Memory


    • Highly Acclaimed Curriculum
    • Experienced & passionate teachers
    • Strong morals reinforced in all classes
    • No Critical Theory
    • No Common Core Curriculums
    • No Alternative Historical Narratives


    • No Masks Required
    • No Harmful Political Agendas
    • Experienced & passionate teachers


    • Celebrate the role of the parents and the trust they place in RLCA
    • Reinforcing integrity, strong morals, and the fruits of the Spirit in all students
    • Parent Teacher Fellowship meetings
    • Consistent open communication between staff and parents
    • Real Life Church Parenting classes available to interested parents

Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”    Matthew 19:13-14

Jesus valued children and He understood far better than we can comprehend the importance of their youth, their innocence, and their ability to love and trust. He warned in the strongest words possible against anyone who would cause a child to sin… to lead them astray.

This is why Christian education is so very important for our children.

At Real Life Christian Academy, we take very seriously our responsibility to educate our little ones in the truth of God’s Word. From their very earliest opportunity, we want them to see God’s hand in everything we do. They can understand God’s sense of order when they learn the structure and design of mathematics. They can see God’s hand in the lives of mankind throughout the course of history. They can value clear communication and the importance of words as they study the language arts and how God would have us use those skills to glorify Him! We ensure our students “hide God’s Word in their hearts,” so they can live a life that honors God and reflects Jesus Christ.

It is our joy and privilege to serve the children who come through our doors. Each day our loving and highly qualified faculty takes time to invest in each child, meeting their needs and challenging their minds. We want to fully prepare and equip our young people for a future whereby they can  make a difference in the world around them and be ready to be “salt and light” in a dark world. (Matthew 5:13)



  • Kindergarten (5 years old by September 1)
  • First grade (6 years old by September 1)



  • Library
  • Chapel each Thursday, Bible each day, Bible memory (NKJV)
  • Weekly supplemental classes (grades K-8):
    • Physical Education
    • Music
    • Art
    • Library
  • Parent communication and involvement on a regular basis through various means
  • Located on a pastoral, quiet campus

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